Emails, emails and emails!!!!

I’ve been formally emailing the crew since December 24, 2013.  I’m told the number of emails now totals OVER 950.  It takes a lot of communication to organize and prep for this race.  It can be “fun” to be communicating a lot and sharing a little humor but 950 is suffocating also.  We’ve implemented the *IMPORTANT* – TOPIC subject line for important/critical communications and asked for no ‘reply-alls’ to these.  I think it has made a nice difference to those that were feeling drowned in email.  It seems hard to believe it has been 950…but of course when you a do a little math you realize it only takes one email to 12 crew members for which they each reply-all and that becomes a LOT of emails very quickly.

Looking forward to 4 days at sea with NO EMAIL!